BL Harley MS 4425 (Roman de la Rose) fol 133, detail: the Poet. © The British Library

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Contributions for consideration should be sent as e-mail attachments, preferably in a recent version of Word , to one of the Editors:

  • Meg Twycross, Department of English and Creative Writing, Lancaster University, LANCASTER LA1 4YD, United Kingdom: e-mail
  • Sarah Carpenter, English Literature, School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, University of Edinburgh, Room 2.10, 50 George Square, EDINBURGH EH8 9LH, United Kingdom: e-mail
  • Elisabeth Dutton, Université de Fribourg, MIS 05 bu. 5127, Av. de l'Europe 20, 1700 FRIBOURG, Switzerland: e-mail

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    © Meg Twycross 2023